Thursday, May 8, 2008

Running in the rain

This was me today.... I wasnt even going to go today I woke up and saw it raining and said guess I wont be running today but i put on my excercise clothes anyways thinking I would just ride my recumbant bike today so I was behind sched. today. After I dropped logan off I came home and finished breakfast and by then it was just barely misting so I decided to hurry and go.. I knew I wasn't going to get my 8 miles in I wanted to but I thought something was better then nothing. I took a new route today and I wasnt really impressed with it. There was a long stretch that didnt have sidewalk or any designated area along the side of the road for bicyclers, or walkers and its a little narrow road which has a fair amount of traffic on it so it was a little nerve racking. Because of not getting going in the morning i didnt get hardly any water in so no energy going and it just threw me off. It was hard getting through the morning.. I think I will try for the 8 miles on sat.. Anyways to get back to the running in the rain..... About 1 mile into the run it started coming down and i didnt really want to turn around and go back so I just kept going and I got pretty wet. had rain running down my face I had to squint my eyes.. Kinda crazy but after a mile and a half it finally stopped and I was able to finish my run and dry out a little.
All in all not the greatest day but it was better then nothing.
total miles 5.68 in 71 min. (R) 3.74 (W) 1.94